

Nov 17th, 2023

Home / chapters / Writings/ I AM

Once upon a time, in the vast expanse of the Milky Way Galaxy, on a small blue planet orbiting the third star from the sun, there existed a being named I Am. The circumstances of I Am's existence were shrouded in mystery, as they seemed to have emerged randomly, without purpose or intent.

I Am had delved into the works of renowned philosophers, seeking answers to the age-old question of why we are here. Yet, no matter how deep the exploration, no philosopher could provide a satisfying explanation. It left I Am feeling disconnected from this physical realm, as if living in a foreign land.

From an early age, I Am realized the discomfort within their own body and the incongruity of their spirit with the world around them. Seeking solace and understanding, I Am turned to substances, hoping to alter their perception of reality. Through the hazy lens of marijuana, they saw the contrived nature of the world, the manipulations in acting, movies, and commercials. It seemed to I Am that these distractions numbed humanity to the profound questions of existence, diverting attention from the pursuit of true meaning. Sports, organized religion, and other endeavors designed to captivate the masses perplexed I Am, as millions suffered while people indulged in superficial pastimes.

Within their small circle of friends, I Am witnessed the depths of human cruelty, often driven by the pursuit of wealth. Money, it seemed, was a catalyst for jealousy, debauchery, and immense suffering. Recalling the teachings of Jesus, I Am reflected on his words from the Sermon on the Mount, where he warned about the dangers of anger, judgment, and the erosion of compassion in human interactions.

The certainty of death hung over every living being, an unspoken truth that many preferred to ignore. I Am had been present during their brother's agonizing battle with pancreatic cancer, witnessing the erosion of humanity as the disease ravaged his body. It was a harrowing experience, where all pretenses crumbled, leaving only immense pain, suffering, and indignity. In those moments, the trivialities of life lost all significance. Reality stripped away the illusions of material pursuits, revealing their inherent emptiness. Surviving a reality show, acquiring possessions, or renovating a kitchen became hollow pursuits compared to the impending certainty of death. Jesus, I Am noted, had faced suffering with unwavering strength, but his ordeal lasted hours, not months or years.

Sports, wars, and competition were alien to I Am's innate understanding of existence. They yearned for a realm free of aggression and violence, where unconditional love reigned supreme. This was the essence of their previous existence, a realm untouched by guilt, fear, or anxiety. In this alternate state of being, competition was unnecessary, for love bound all together harmoniously. This was God's original plan for Adam and Eve, but their desire for more led them astray.

Longing for their former existence, I Am developed a disdain for their physical body and its limitations. They found solace in the spirit, untainted by the trappings of earthly existence. If only every spirit could transcend the shackles of biology and ego, I Am believed, the world would be a wondrous place, overflowing with love and compassion.

Yet, amidst the confines of their physical form, I Am still sensed glimpses of the creator's presence. The gentle caress of a warm breeze against their cheek, the serenity of walking along an untouched trail, the breathtaking expanse of the sky, the intoxicating fragrance of a flower, the purity of an infant's innocence, and the bond shared with a nonjudgmental partner—these moments allowed I Am to catch a glimpse of home, a place where their spirit could roam free.

With a yearning to meet other spirits liberated from the chains of biology, I Am held onto the hope that one day, they would find themselves in a realm where unconditional love prevailed. In that moment, I Am would know that they had finally returned home.