

Dec 24th, 2023

This is the best book I have ever read about what to do if you get prostate cancer, so if these things help after you get cancer, why not do them so that you NEVER get prostate cancer!

Watch and wait!

Dec 13th, 2023

The medical establishment is finally catching on to watch and wait for prostate cancer. BPH or cancer can create a high PSA number. 1 in 10 white men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer only a minority (less than 15%) of prostate cancer diagnoses lead to the death of a patient, or only 1.7% of white men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer each year with only .0026% to lead to death.

Well, what do you know, a simple blood test CAN show if you have cancer. My live blood naturopath has been testing me this way FOR YEARS!Mine looks like this every time I go.I pity the fools that allowed doctors to carve them up or over test them because they missed out on the simple blood test that your local naturopath can give you.No wonder they wanted to drive them out of business!!!!!