
Hope for cancer

Dec 27th, 2023

There is so much hope for cancer treatment!

For ALL cancers, watch and wait is becoming THE treatment of the day.This article is a must read for anyone diagnosed with cancer.Your doctor needs to educate a patient, not scare them!

Immunotherapy is being directly injected into the tumor with AMAZING success!

Cancer be gone!

Dec 2nd, 2023

Dr. Johanna Budwig is one of Germany's top biochemists as well one of the best cancer researchers throughout all of Europe. Born in 1908 and lived to be 95. She has been nominated seven times for the Nobel Prize.

Healthy Blood

Dec 1st, 2023

I go to my naturopath once a year and he draws a drop of blood. From that drop of blood, which is fungible throughout the body, he can tell the health of my body.Since cancer cells shed into the blood stream, other wise how could cancer travel throughout the body, he can see if there is cancer in my body from this simple drop of blood! You want to see round puffy white blood cells floating around. He has identified so many issues through my blood, from metal due to dental work, to elevated cortisol levels during covid, so Debis in my blood due to the fires. The last time I saw him he said that You have pesticides in your blood. I told him we now live next to a golf course, he gave me drops to remove them.

Skin cancer

Nov 30th, 2023

I used Bec 5 on this spot on my stomach, it went away and I can't even tell where it was.

Finally mainstream medicine is catching up with what naturopaths have been using for years.They are admitting that cancer cells break free and can be seen in every drop of blood.It is about time they stop all of these intrusive dangerous tests and just start drawing a DROP of blood!Here is a naturopath in Florida who can take a simple finger prick and see if you have compromised cells floating around. The cost, $200!

Well, what do you know, a simple blood test CAN show if you have cancer. My live blood naturopath has been testing me this way FOR YEARS!Mine looks like this every time I go.I pity the fools that allowed doctors to carve them up or over test them because they missed out on the simple blood test that your local naturopath can give you.No wonder they wanted to drive them out of business!!!!!

Drop of blood

Jan 28th, 2023

Better late than never! These articles are leaking out everywhere. We should all be happy that going forward, millions will be spared the money-making biopsy industry.Only 3 out of 10 men who get intrusive prostate biopsies are diagnosed with cancer, so 7 men indured an unnecessary procedure.I would love to see the numbers for colonascopy's?Thank god science is finally coming for the biopsy industry!

Just taking Vitamin D3, omega-3, and excercise reduces your chance of getting cancer by 61%!!!!!Just imagine how much higher this would be with other heatlh protocols like eliminating sugar, processed foods, smoking, and alcohol!