Zip Lining & Rappelling

Zip Lining at Navitat in Wrightwood today, Me, Kia, Alondra and Dakota.What a great day. the 1/4 mile zip was amazing and a bit scary. Going 50 miles an hour didn't help. But adrenaline was pumping.

Kia, her friend, and I headed out for Wrightwood to try out the new zip lining company.It did not disappoint. However a storm cut the day a bit short, but still fun had by all.

Kia and I took the Cabo Adventure zip line tour, which included rope bridge crossings and rappelling.We had a ball while Blake stayed home. The operation was safe and fun, and their photographer was spot on.We had upgraded to the Monti Cristo, now that's livin.

My Hooked On Phonics book printer wanted to do something to thank us for giving him our business.Robert Sinclair is the President of Sinclair Printers in L.A., and I considered him a friend!Robert bought a brand new set of rappelling ropes and off we went to Stoney Point to see if we can make sense of it all.I had rappelled once before, but I don't think he had.We had one of the BEST days ever! It was EPIC for sure, in fact Robert's wife SO liked the video I made of us that she came out a couple of weekends later hoping for the same, but it is hard to recreate magic, and the day and my video were magic!This is one of my favorite videos that I have ever made!!!

Kia and I tried out this small zip lining company in Big Bear. It was a fun day, check out our video.