

Jan 20th, 2024

The vaccines could not be approved for emergency usage if there was ANY other treatment.So they had to crush anything else that was saving lives. Enter enemy #1, Hydroxychloroquine!And now we find that it was published in the virology journal in 2005 that HCQ was a wonder drug that killed all Corona type viruses! But I didn't need to read this to know the truth, for I followed what happened in Nigeria where they took it weekly for malaria!They had 3155 deaths in a population of 220 million. That is death rate of just .000014%, or as I like to call it near ZERO!Compare that to Fauci's death rate here of .0034% WHY DID SO MANY MORE HAVE TO DIE IN THE U.S.?

It was always about the numbers!But when Ventura County came out and finally admitted that 96% of deaths were among people with comorbidities, I had to run the numbers. When I wrote to the author of the report to tell them how brave they were to publish the truth, it was removed on the next report. Italy and other countries were reporting the same, but it was great to hear my own County tell the truth.But back to the numbers.96% of the 1708 people who died in Ventura had comorbidities, and the CDC stated that the average comorbidities for Covid were 4, I have none! So only 68 of the 1708 people died without comorbidities! Only 37% of those who died were in my age group or just 25 people, and only 45% of those were white or just 11 people over 3 years, or less than 4 people a year!

Someone sent this to me, and it is the perfect description of what the unvaccinated had to put up with.If you know someone who is unvaccinated, send them their award!

Covid drive

May 6th, 2020

Drove up to lake Castaic and into the mountains today, by way of Home Depot first.Many observations!* None of the homeless under the overpass had masks on!* None of the day laborers had masks on, all congregated together!* The freeway was PACKED, so who the hell is at home?* Castaic was beautiful and they had 6 cop cars making sure no one took in any sun!!!!!I heard today the trails and beaches open on Friday, OMG, that is amazing!!!!! See less

Iodine kills Covid

Apr 29th, 2020

A month after the Covid shut downs I had to have our pinball machine serviced. The young mechanic told me about a doctor who recommended a diluted Iodine nose wash to kill Covid since 90% of viruses come in through the nose. In 2021 Dr Peter McCullough also recommended this procedure.We use a diluted Betadine solution.Kara nor I have EVER had Covid, and we attribute it to spraying our nose after being around people. Kara worked outside throughout Covid, hovering right above older clients. We shopped, and even flew many times, but no Covid, and no vaccine!I found out later that such a product was sold in 2018 on Amazon claiming that it is used in hospitals and will kill viruses for 12 hours. I never remember Dr Fauci EVER recommending this for ALL of the people who got Covid in old folks and nursing homes. How many people did Fauci kill?

Covid Photos

Mar 10th, 2020

These are my favorite Covid photos that I collected over the pandemic.

The first reports coming out of China showed people dying in the streets being covered with sheets where they fell. I never again heard of people dying in the street of any western city.So this was either a different disease OR propaganda!