U.S. Debt

It is not a matter of if our debts overwhelms the system, it is when they will overwhelms the system!Debt is income you have not yet worked for.

As of this writing U.S. debt is $34 trillion dollars or 135% debt to GDP. As this article predicted, the ten year Treasury bounced off of 5% last week, and this piece that I wrote in 2013 has become a reality, BUT, the interest could actually be approaching 1 trillion!

JFKAsk not, what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.TodayAsk not, what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you.

Nowhere in the Constitution does it mention mandatory spending.How did socialism take such a hold.

I wrote this piece n 2012 when debt to GDP was 100%, this chart projected our debt to GDP to be 110% by 2024, but our debt is already at 135% of GDP.

First rail of politics: Don't cut constituents benefits.Second rail of politics:  Don't raise constituents taxes.What's left?MASSIVE UNSUSTAINABLE DEBT!

The Final Bubble

Nov 18th, 2023

I predicted that the bond bubble would pop in 2018, but bonds lost 50% of their value in 2023, I was a bit early!

The U.S. Government is the largest holder of adjustable rate debt in the world.

Baby-boomers have lived through one of the longest periods of prosperity the WORLD has ever seen, with U.S. GDP growing by 550% over the past 31 years.