
What is outside of man's control

Oct 11th, 2023

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What is outside of man's control?

Nothing more than birth, life, suffering, and death.We are given responsibilities and duties which harass us from the very first moment of the day, to distract us from thinking about who we are, where we come from, and where we are going.Our lives are empty and we cannot face a vacuum, so we fill our lives with junk, with trash, and refuse. Translated in original French, we are full of crap!Man, therefore, is to be diverted from thinking about who we are, either by occupation, a novel, drugs or alcohol, an agreeable passion which keeps us busy, like gambling, hunting, some absorbing show, anything but thinking about who we are!That is why man is so fond of hustle and bustle; that is why prison is such a fearful punishment; that is why the pleasures of solitude are so incomprehensible.

And that is exactly why I love hiking quietly in nature!

This was a life-changing amazing book!