
Mount Lukens

Dec 30th, 2013

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Mount Lukens

Marv and I took on Mt Lukens by way of Stone Canyon Trail, an 8 mile section with 3400 feet of elevation gain. We added 3 miles to the hike for a total of 11 miles, by taking Sister Elsie Trail down, plus a few cut offs, we made our way over to our second car that we left at Graveyard Truck Trail parking lot! This was by far one of the most challenging hikes we have ever made!

We had to park on Big Tujunga Canyon Rd and find our way over to the trail head. You can see my FJ in the background.

Our first sign that we were on the right track.

Ok, now we know we have made the correct turn at the parking lot!

Taking our first short rest to check the map.

While the trail starts out rather tame, it is about to get really steep!

We came upon this man made lake

Yes Marv, that is where we are going!!!

Looking back at the valley where we started, making progress.

We found snow on the way up.

We are nearing the top.

What a climb and view from where we started.

We made it! The hike was more eventful than the towers.

What an amazing view from up there, you can see down town L.A. and the entire Verdugo Mountain Range, which we also have hiked.

3711 elevation gain in the first 4.69 miles was exhausting. 

This was an epic hike and our preplanning worked perfectly.