Leather Work

Hiking Sticks

Dec 20th, 2023

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Once I found out that the California Yucca plant made for a light weight but strong hiking stick, I asked Kia if she would make me a leather wrap for my first piece. She made me a beautiful pirate stick that I use to this day. My other friends wanted one but Kia was to busy, so I went online and taught myself how to do leather work.

Here are some of those sticks!

Here is a bundle of some of my first tries and you can see Kia's pirate leather to the far right
This was my very first leather piece that I ever made, a leaf
My very own pirate stick, and I bought the top at the Renaissance Faire in California from a smelter
You have to have a rattlesnake stick in California. I found an artist in Mexico City on Etsy who made this amazing snake top
I made Marv a LAFD fire stick that he keeps at home as art
Omid wanted a Lamborghini stick which was one of my best works but his wife probably threw it out 
I had to make a Tesla stick, but never really used it
And a weed stick
This is my Chinese health stick which I used on many hikes

After getting motivated again, I am amost finished with a hiking stick for my amazing friend Alondra. I started the leather for this 4 years ago, so she will be very happy to get it.

I am just waiting for the hummingbird to put on the top.

This is a stick that I made for Kenny