
Pyramid Lake

Jun 14th, 2018

Home / chapters / Kayaking/ Pyramid Lake

I always drove by Pyramid Lake on the way north driving up to Napa and always wanted to get on thaat water. After I bought my two inflatable Kayaks, it was time to collect lakes and harbors, and this was one I just had to have, so Omid and I made a date and kayaked the entire lake!

Packed and ready to go, all but the padels. I forgot them and had to go to Walmart to buy a set!
Inflating our rig
Kinda rough out here!
Just in cases, because this is part of the drinking water aqua duct system for L.A.
Checking out ever cove
This is what I think of when I think about Pyramid Lake
This is looking towards the dam. Kenny hikes up to a fire watch tower that takes him hours, and you can just see it way up on the hill to the right of the dam. Go Kenny!
There he is at the fire station
It is just so beautiful out here!
Hello there
If you ever drive by this lake heading north on Hwy 5, this is the tip of that little island you can see from the road