
East Castaic Lake

Jun 25th, 2018

Home / chapters / Kayaking/ East Castaic Lake

This one was on my list, and we finally got on the water. It is also part of the Aqua Duct system to L.A., so no swimming!!!

We took on the first half of Lake Castaic, this is one big lake, 12 miles of amazing kayaking on 6/25/2018.They had to inspect and approve our kayak to get on the water! No hangers on allowed.Pumped up and ready to go
The water looks great today
Now those are some struggling roots
Lets pull up here and enjoy the beach
Looks comfy
Hey wait for me!!!
Thanks for coming back to pick me up
That is a bald eagle over there
That is the back side of the dam
Oh screw it, in I went and it was glorious!
This took us up the right side