Jeff Herman Picture


The topic of health resonates deeply with me, fueled by the untimely losses of my grandfather at 48, my father at 51, and my brother at 60. Learning from their experiences, I chose to take a divergent path, making conscious decisions that starkly contrasted their choices. Now, at the age of 70, I navigate my own health challenges, but the path ahead seems clearer thanks to the alternative protocols I've embraced, rather than relying on conventional medical practices. My journey has led me to believe in the efficacy of natural protocols, which, in my case, have proven instrumental in sustaining my life where others faced premature endings. While acknowledging the merits of the medical establishment, particularly in battlefield medicine, I find a significant gap in its emphasis on illness prevention. It's disheartening to recognize that doctoring stands as the third leading cause of death in America, trailing behind Cancer and Heart disease. This alarming statistic underscores the need for a shift in focus, transforming the healthcare system to prioritize prevention and well-rounded patient care, rather than merely treating the symptoms of illnesses. The fact that such a vital institution has been influenced by external interests, as evidenced by the connection to the Rockefellers, raises concerns about the direction of healthcare, emphasizing the urgency for reform to ensure the well-being of individuals across the nation.

Jan 7th, 2024

Home / chapters / Health/ The topic of health resonates deeply with me, fueled by the untimely losses of my grandfather at 48, my father at 51, and my brother at 60. Learning from their experiences, I chose to take a divergent path, making conscious decisions that starkly contrasted their choices. Now, at the age of 70, I navigate my own health challenges, but the path ahead seems clearer thanks to the alternative protocols I've embraced, rather than relying on conventional medical practices. My journey has led me to believe in the efficacy of natural protocols, which, in my case, have proven instrumental in sustaining my life where others faced premature endings. While acknowledging the merits of the medical establishment, particularly in battlefield medicine, I find a significant gap in its emphasis on illness prevention. It's disheartening to recognize that doctoring stands as the third leading cause of death in America, trailing behind Cancer and Heart disease. This alarming statistic underscores the need for a shift in focus, transforming the healthcare system to prioritize prevention and well-rounded patient care, rather than merely treating the symptoms of illnesses. The fact that such a vital institution has been influenced by external interests, as evidenced by the connection to the Rockefellers, raises concerns about the direction of healthcare, emphasizing the urgency for reform to ensure the well-being of individuals across the nation.