Greenville South Carolina

Why Greenville

Nov 18th, 2023

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Granted, our children decided to move to Ashville North Carolina. Luna looked us in the eye with a hopeful look and said, you guys are coming aren't you? We wanted to be a part of our grand daughters life, so we started our search.

I grew up in the midwest, but mostly in Minnesota, while my wife was from Rhode Island. We meet and lived in California for around 40 years.I went about creating a map that eliminated rather than chose areas to live. We had traveled through Ashville some years before and thought it was WAY to rural for us. So I took a pen and drew a circle around Ashville and looked at areas that were no further than 1:30 drive from Ashville.We were SO fortunate to find such an amazing little city within that range that had everything we could want and need,