Greenville South Carolina


Jun 30th, 2022

Home / chapters / Greenville South Carolina/ Accolades

Many of you have asked me for a list of the positives of moving to Greenville SC.

Attached are the national news accolades, which are very positive, but I will add.

* Housing almost 1/2 the price.

* Property tax 1/4 California's.

* Sales tax 6%

* People are 1950's friendly

* Red state

* Everyone owns and carries guns

* No homeless, graffiti, or trash

* It is green and has seasons

* Plenty of water

* Mountains, rivers, and lakes galore

* Proximity for travel, Charleston, Savannah, Virginia, Blue Ridge Parkway.

* 8.5 hours to Paris

* Over 50 people a day are moving here from Illinois, NY, and California, which will support Realestate prices for years to come

So far we are loving it here!