
President Eisenhower

Dec 27th, 2023

Home / chapters / Evil/ President Eisenhower

I walked by this Korean War memorial yesterday and my heart went out to all of the brave men who needlessly died at the EVIL hands of America's Military Industrial Complex MIC, and the CIA.

President Eisenhower tried to warn us!

The greatest General of our time, as President, warned us about the dangers of the Military Industrial Complex!

He tried to warn us that the military industrial complex, using the CIA as their initiators, would collude to enrich themselves in useless wars at taxpayers expense.

President Eisenhower knew both of these agencies intimately having seen their work in WWII and then Korea and tried to warn us!

America did not heed his warning and we have been in UNDECLARED wars ever since, with no intention of winning!

The only winners are the companies making the arms to fight these wars, with the goal of keeping them going as long as they can deceive the American taxpayer! America has the technology to win any war it enters, but the Military Industrial Complex can only maximize it's profits through endless war!

KOREA was but the template, 3 years!

The MIC and CIA get maximum taxpayer support when America's young men are dying.

We spent $341 billion and lost 38,800 American lives, with the war ending in a split state stalemate, let that be a warning to Ukraine.

VIETNAM, 8 years

The MIC used the CIA to create the Bay of Tonkin incident to get America involved in Vietnam.

$120 billion spent and 58,200 Americans dead and America left in defeat!

GULF, 1 year

$80 billion spent, 151 Americans dead.

IRAQ, 9 years

$1 trillion spent, 4,431 Americans dead, 31,994 wounded, no weapons of mass destruction found.


$2.3 trillion spent, 2,402 Americans dead and 20,713 wounded, and we left the country to the very people we fought with for 20 years.

UKRAINE, 1 year

$100 billion spent and counting. The war has been fought to a stalemate, so is a Korean solution in the works?

The United States has the power and dominance to have easily won or bring all of these war to a quick end, but the MIC needs never ending war.

The MIC's game plan is to first create an enemy, and then use the CIA to create an incident, and then convince the American people that we are fighting for Democracy!

President Eisenhower was right, and America has been fooled by the MIC and the CIA to the tune of trillions of dollars and 103,984 young American's dead, and over 100,000 wounded, not to mention the millions dead in the countries we attacked!


Kennedy's goal was to break the CIA into a thousand shards of glass, and probably died because of his goal.

Our young men did not die at the hands of the enemy, no, they died at the hands of the MIC and the CIA!

The Pentagon has gone on record that they have misplaced $3 trillion Dollars over the years, plus the $7 trillion spent in Middle East wars, that is 33% of our TOTAL national debt!

Just think of what we could have done with that money if we had listen to President Eisenhower!!!!!!!