
I love our Constitution!

Jan 11th, 2023

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I love the Constitution - The Frankfurt School DID NOT, they came to America in the 50's with the goal of corrupting our schools and institutions with Marxism, and socialism. MISSION COMPLETED!

I love the Constitution - The left in America DOES NOT, they want to change or abolish it.

I love the Constitution - The CIA, an unelected institution who answers to no one DOES NOT!

I love the Constitution - Hollywood, the MSM, Big Tech, Big Pharma, and the Military Industrial Complex DOES NOT!

I love the Constitution - The WHO, WEF, UN, Soros, NWO, Gates, and the Elites, DO NOT!

Our Founders created the BEST government on earth for "WE THE PEOPLE"! They created a government with strong checks and balances to protect THE PEOPLE from none virtuous men and government!

They had good reason to not trust the virtue of man. History proves them out every time, Hitler, Stalin, Kim Jong-il, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, Vlad Tepes, and Genghis Khan to name a few.

Maybe American's have tired of their freedoms and are ready to give them up?