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U.S. Debt

The global surge in debt has fueled unprecedented prosperity, but there looms the concern that one day this debt binge may become unsustainable. The United States is now grappling with a debt-to-GDP ratio exceeding 130%, while Japan stands at a staggering 180%. Notably, the interest payments on U.S. debt alone have surpassed the entire military budget. Compounding the issue, rising interest rates are set to inflate the burden of debt servicing even further. The question arises: when will this mounting debt reach a tipping point of unsustainability, and when will bond investors discern the end game? On this matter, I've shared my insights in a short piece published in the Wall Street Journal.

Jan 7th, 2024

Home / chapters / U.S. Debt/ The global surge in debt has fueled unprecedented prosperity, but there looms the concern that one day this debt binge may become unsustainable. The United States is now grappling with a debt-to-GDP ratio exceeding 130%, while Japan stands at a staggering 180%. Notably, the interest payments on U.S. debt alone have surpassed the entire military budget. Compounding the issue, rising interest rates are set to inflate the burden of debt servicing even further. The question arises: when will this mounting debt reach a tipping point of unsustainability, and when will bond investors discern the end game? On this matter, I've shared my insights in a short piece published in the Wall Street Journal.
