
My drivers license

Jul 2nd, 1969

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Buckle up for a wild ride down memory lane because my driver's test story is nothing short of a rollercoaster! Picture this: the night before my big test, I decided to unwind with a bit of fun and, well, maybe a few too many drinks. The surprising twist? It turned out to be the secret sauce for acing my driver's test the next morning! Who knew relaxation had a liquid form?

Fast forward to the big day, post months of driver's training excitement. The hangover from the previous night's escapade was legendary, and I secretly hoped my dad would play the hero and take the wheel. But, nope, he threw me the keys, insisting that I was the designated driver for the day. Talk about a plot twist!

Despite my questionable condition, I cruised through the test with an unexpected calmness, shocking even myself. And guess what? I nailed it on the first try! The examiner probably thought I was the embodiment of the "cool, calm, and collected" driver stereotype.

Now, with my temporary license in hand, I finally had the keys to freedom! And in the 54 years of navigating the roads, I can proudly declare that I've never been the culprit in a fender-bender. Safe to say, I've mastered the art of driving, hangover and all.