
1957 Chevy

Jan 12th, 1969

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At the age of 15, I enthusiastically acquired my first used car—a '57 Chevy. Fueled by dreams of restoring it to the pristine condition depicted in the image above, reality soon set in. The car required more extensive repairs than my budget allowed.

Transported here on a flatbed, my '57 Chevy found its resting place, serving as a reminder of ambitious plans and the practical constraints that often accompany them.

My older brother Bob, along with a dedicated group of friends, invested countless hours to breathe life back into this automotive beast. It marked the initiation of my journey into the world of fixing up old cars—a challenge that would become the first of many. There are moments when I reflect and wonder why I didn't pursue a career as an auto mechanic, given the extensive hands-on experience I gained working on numerous cars and in various gas stations.

In the accompanying photo, you'll find me standing to the left, observing my pit team's dedicated efforts.

My little brother Reed loved to help out where he could!

Bob eagerly claimed the driver's seat as the first person to navigate the car around the block once we got it running. Despite having a suspended license at the time, he was adamant about being the inaugural driver.

However, our celebratory moment was short-lived. Someone in the neighborhood had reported the noise generated by the car, leading to Bob's untimely encounter with the police on the far side of the block. They took him down to the police station, prompting me to sprint home. My mom and I hastily drove to the station to secure his release. Lessons were certainly learned— at least by me!

I do not remember ever driving this car after I passed my drivers test, so it must have ended up in that pile of cars at the dump. Baby Boomers must have shamefully stacked up huge piles of car waste over the years!